News list for " dookey"

BAYC: Dookey Dash: Unclogged to be launched on September 19, the first season prize pool size is $1 million

On September 18th, according to the "Boring Ape" BAYC published on the X platform, Dookey Dash: Unclogged will be launched on Thursday, September 19th, and will support iOS and Android mobile versions. According to Yuga Labs co-founder Garga.eth (Greg Solano) revealed that the prize pool size of the first season of Dookey Dash: Unclogged is $1 million, and today it already supports pre-installation of iOS and Android Google Play.

2024-09-18 11:39:37
BAYC:Dookey Dash:Unclogged拟于9月19日上线,第一季奖池规模100万美元

9月18日消息,据“无聊猿”BAYC在X平台发文宣布,Dookey Dash:Unclogged拟于9月19日本周四上线,并且将支持iOS和安卓移动版。另据Yuga Labs联合创始人Garga.eth(Greg Solano)透露,Dookey Dash:Unclogged第一季的奖池规模为100万美元,今日已经支持iOS和安卓Google Play的预装。

2024-09-18 11:39:37
Yuga Labs Launches Dookey Dash Game Sequel with $1 million Bonus

On September 5th, NFT publisher Yuga Labs launched the sequel to the Dookey Dash game "Dookey Dash: Unclogginged" and offered a $1 million bonus. The app is now available for pre-download in the mobile app store. The first game of Dookey Dash was released in 2023 and featured Sewer Pass NFT, which was airdropped to different levels of Ape NFT holders.

2024-09-05 10:12:24
Yuga Labs 推出 Dookey Dash 游戏续作并提供 100 万美元奖金

9月5日消息,NFT 发行商 Yuga Labs 推出 Dookey Dash 游戏续作《Dookey Dash: Unclogginged》并提供 100 万美元奖金,该应用现可在手机端应用商店预下载。Dookey Dash 首款游戏发布于 2023 年,以 Sewer Pass NFT 为特色,该 NFT 被空投给不同级别的 Ape NFT 持有者。

2024-09-05 10:12:24